My Values

My mission is Embracing Your Values, Serving Your Business. I spend a lot of time talking about how important your values are to running a successful business that fits into your life and fulfills your personal needs. As a small business owner, it’s just as important for me. I thought you might like to know a little bit about me and why they are so important to me.

It’s Personal – At I believe it’s always personal. I put people first. Clients, their employees, their customers, and the public interest is at the core of everything I do. Above all I stive to be are respectful.

At the tender age of 46, I’ve spent more than 3 decades working for various small, medium and large businesses. One of the most reliable indicators for how happy (and therefore productive) I have been at any of them is how well everyone was treated. When you put people first it shows.

Keep On Learning – You can always rely on change. While some tools that help people succeed in business seem constant, others evolve or dissipate completely. I strive to learn all about them so I can help people navigate changing landscapes.

I love technology. I know, it’s weird. I recognize that it comes with a lot of pain points but as long as we are still putting people first I don’t think there is anything to fear. I was going to keep on learning about this stuff one way or the other. I may as well tell you it’s something I find very important and valuable 🙂

Always Mean It – I mean what we say and I say what we mean. I am sincere in my dealings with everyone and candid about my capabilities. I won’t always be a good fit. You won’t always like my advice. I won’t always be able to offer what you need. If you need to look elsewhere, I will try to help you find the right resource.

People lie. People also say things they think are true but it turns out they aren’t. I might be a little too literal at times. It’s just really important to me that my word has weight always meaning it is my final core value.

So those are my values. I welcome your feedback. What are your values?

My Values
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2 thoughts on “My Values

  • June 27, 2019 at 7:54 pm

    This is lovely! Not sure this is the kind of feedback you want, but there’s a typo in “cor” of the second to last paragraph. I’m enjoying your writing!

    • July 2, 2019 at 9:30 pm

      I welcome any feedback to improve my posts! Thanks so much.

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